Ábel Varga
bioengineer – microbiology officer

Urine Screening Plate

Mast Uri Well 96 LED template for sample transfer
Mast Uri Dot 96 sample multipoint inoculator
Automata plate reading and sample analysis

Mast Urisystem is an automated, complex urine analysis system.
In addition to urine culture, identification of cultured bacteria and determination of resistance, it is also suitable for detecting urine sediment and inhibitory substances (antibiotics) from urine samples. The built-in barcode reader, the pipetting aid and the multipoint inoculator make it easier to use and eliminate the possibility of errors.

The main units of the device:
the automatic reading device,
the multipoint inoculator and the
pipetting aid unit

It is suitable for simultaneous processing of 96 urine samples, measuring the samples approx. takes 40 minutes. The urine sediment is examined directly on the microtiter plate with an inverted microscope, identification and resistance tests are completed for each sample. The latter is carried out with the agar dilution method, using its own growth control, interpretation is supported by software according to EUCAST. It is possible to connect the device to the IT system online. Findings can be issued within 24 hours in 90-95% of cases.
In the case of a large number of urine samples, it is economical, requires less labor and cooling capacity than tests with traditional methods, and the amount of hazardous waste can be reduced to 10%.
Method recommended for large laboratories, accredited in England.