Adrienn Hossó
biologist – Product manager

HLA testing principle

HLA primarily determines what is needed for organ transplantation, i.e. finding the most suitable donor for a recipient, or vice versa. The test identifies which alleles of the main HLA antigens the individual has inherited, and detects the corresponding HLA protein antigens found on the individual’s cells. First, the HLA type of the donor and the recipient – that is, the alleles of the main HLA genes – is determined. This can be done by serological or genetic methods.

HLA Serology, HLA-REady Plate

     Media and accessories

PCR-SSP based kits

HLA-A, B, C, DR, DQ, DP typing kits

CareDx, Inno-Train

Disease association kits

CareDx, Inno-Train

KIR typing


Other accessories


A QTYPE  is a rapid HLA typing solution, designed to provide results within one hour. Kits include a DNA well plate pre-aliquoted with dried primers and probes that are designed to bind with select alleles.

FluoQube® supports molecular HLA-, RBC- and HPA typing by combining the FluoGene® method (TaqMan® based SSP) with real-time PCR.

This system allows amplification and fluorescence reading in one system. All FluoGene® kits can be applied on FluoQube®. The real-time data are automatically imported into the FluoGene® Software for result evaluation. In addition to the FluoGene® application, FluoQube® supports any kind of real-time PCR.

Typing software: for more information contact the professional representative